This old trailer might have been a nice place back then. Trust me I watch LIVE PD I’m basically a cop shirt. Did he take care of it? There’s always more to the story folks. He’s quite a mean old man. Maybe they’ve been after him to leave for a while and he won’t go. Late on the utility bill is legal means to evict. These guys! What they put up with! It’s not just criminals folks, it’s…uh…this! The poor guy in poverty? Absolutely! Sad for him but the cops still have to put up with this! to all police officers! The host needs to go! He lacks humanity! I’m sick of his jerky and inappropriate comments about people!
And, he doesn’t blend well with the officer’s Heck! They would do well without his plastic bantering… I love when they say that people call them for whatever reason they want. Like they don’t get paid from our tax money. I’ll call you whenever I damn, please. Definitely, my life goal to be the guy getting served. If that’s not your goal you need to rethink your priorities, I really felt sorry for the old guy living in that dump. Been in hospital 30 days.
Trust me I watch LIVE PD I’m basically a cop shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top
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