Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The next step is to put treats at the back of the carrier

 The next step is to put treats at the back of the carrier. When the cat steps in, gently close the door. Don't slam it and don't lock it. The cat should be able to push it open if scared. When the cat is done with the treat in the carrier, open the door and pet the cat. Give her another treat. Do this until the cat stays in the carrier until she gets a second treat. The next step can be the most frightening for the cat. You will give her the treat at the back of the carrier then lock the door behind her. Give her a second treat while in a carrier. Then let her out and pet her.

Each day you will lengthen how long she stays in the carrier by a few seconds

 Each day you will lengthen how long she stays in the carrier by a few seconds. Then give her a second treat while in carrier and let her out and pet her. Keep working at longer times until you get to about 1 minute. Now you will lift the carrier and move it to another room. Then give a second treat and let her out. Pet her. You can use a command like “Get in". Always keep your voice calm and gentle. Praise your cat. This is a hard thing for them to learn. Keep using treats and practice getting in carriers regularly.

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 He took Floyd apart methodically, setting his man up with left jabs and solid body shots. Sonny showed fast hands, using an accurate left jab, along with hooks and uppercuts.   He had a definite game plan and executed it perfectly. If they fought a hundred times during that period the result would have been the same." Joe Frazier, when asked if Larry Holmes had the best jab he had ever seen, said : “nope. Ali's was better." Then he paused and said "and Sonny Liston's, of course." George Foreman said: “Sonny Liston taught me how to jab. He taught me how to box, really." George Foreman went on to name Liston AND Ali as the best jabbers, saying: “Liston and Ali [had the best jabs] Nobody made me box like Sonny Liston did and that happened every time we worked together. He taught me many things, including the importance of the jab.   I just couldn’t get mine straight and every day he had me working on it… in the professional ring it was Muhammad Ali because he would just spin that jab into my face.

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 Finally, he jabbed by stepping into it, using power, and is generally considered to have had the hardest jab in history. CREDIT PICTURE THE GUARDIAN Sonny had the hardest jab in history, and was almost as good as varying it as Ali was at the height of his career. Liston used his jab to control distance and set the table for countering, and it was powerful enough to knock out a man by itself. Trainer Johnny Tocco, who worked with Foreman, Tyson and Sonny Liston, said of the three: “Liston hit the hardest, and was the strongest.”   Sonny Liston probably had the strongest, hardest jab in history, and he used it to set up everything else that he did. Sonny, born left handed, who fought orthodox, had an incredible 84 inch reach, and used his powerful left hand to batter people. Boxing writer and historian Bobby Franklin writing about Liston in the Patterson fights: “it is interesting to note that while the fights were blow outs, Liston did not come out swinging wildly.

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 You feel hungry and deprived. You are fighting your urges every day. In contrast, if you eat the same number of calories without the sugar, you feel less hungry. You eat more micronutrients (since you replace the empty sugar calories with healtheir foods). Without the sugar, cravings rapidly decline. Within a week, life without sugar is manageable. In a couple of months, cravings are gone.   Your body mobilizes its fat for energy more easily. You lose weight effortlessly with less need for exercise. The net/net — the simplest most effective tool for losing weight is to eliminate as much sugar as possible from all sources as part of your diet program. If you don't live in Denver, Vail or Boulder, you aren't a prohibited person, and you aquire it legally, yes you can. Close is subjective. I’m closer to Atlanta than Japan. But farther than Denver. Sonny Liston was a left handed fighter who was fighting out of an orthodox stance, so his dominant arm was forward. Add to that he is considered to be the strongest heavyweight who ever lived.

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 With a business friendly government, Singapore runs the risk of putting ideals before reality, playing Russian roulette with the current variants as well as those that will evolve without a strategy of extinction.   Any diet high in sugar is bad for your health, even if calories are restricted. The sugar contains fructose and, unlike other foods, fructose can only be metabolized in the liver. High fructose diets cause the liver to output substances which aren’t good for your health in many ways — it causes blood pressure and triglycerides to rise and HDL cholesterol to fall. Sugar is also inflammatory triggering all kinds unpleasant The sugar will increase hunger and will decrease your bodies propensity to consume body fat for additional calories. Further, sugar affects the brain in ways other foods do not. Sugar is a major factor in bipolar disorder and many other mood disorders.   Lastly, sugar is highly addictive causing cravings. If you continue to eat sugar, you get temporary satisfaction after eating the sweet food, but in an hour it is back. And when you finally give in to temptation, you will gorge. Eating sugar on a calorie-restricted diet is losing weight the hard way.

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 That entails a lot of steps - a two month lockdown and (lockout for nationals wanting to return until they are vacinated) until such time as community spread is eliminated entirely. No right to travel within Singapore without a vacination pass and no right to return to Singapore from overseas without a vacination certificate. Travel destinations also need a gold standard method of track and trace. For that you need a global ID system for both individuals and fomites using a blockchain method. I was in Singapore in March 2020 and it was clear that the existing measures were totally inadequate.   Tracking fomites & human interaction means you need to monitor all air spaces - rooms, buses and metro carriages etc automatically - who went where and when. When the virus intrudes despite the measures taken, the block-chain method provides a means of containing hotspots rapidly as the longer the delay, the greater the risk of more uncontrolled community spread.

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  Westerners love Tibetans, but we notice the baggage. 4. The schools are mixing together. Most Asian Buddhist teachers assumed they would establish their existing schools in western countries.   Hence we have western Zen, western Theravada etc. But the boundaries are breaking down as western Buddhists, motivated by common needs, explore the whole Buddhist tradition. The emerging western Buddhist world is essentially non-denominational. 5. People take what they need, not what they're given. For all the talk of lineage, transmission and the purity of the teachings, western Buddhism is driven by students' needs as much as teachers' wishes. 6. Mindfulness is where Buddhism and the west meet. Buddhist mindfulness practices are being applied to everything from mental health treatments to eating out, and we're now seeing a "mindfulness boom".   These approaches apply core Buddhist insights to modern living, making this the biggest development in western Buddhism since the 1960s.

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 Boy he had an educated left hand.” Best I Faced: George Foreman - The Ring Zora Foley, who fought both Ali and Liston, said: “Sonny had the hardest jab in history, Ali had the fastest. Both of them were on the money, so pick your poison!" Sonny’s jab was enough to stop a man by itself According to Joe Louis, quoted in Gods of War: “His jab was enough to knock a man out cold by itself, or break his bones.   And they knew it, other fighters knew it, and were scared to death of Sonny!” Wayne Bethea, a tough journeyman who had never been off his feet except for a slip against Nino Valdes, said after being stopped by Liston: “He must have hit me with a horseshoe in his glove!" Sonny Liston knocked out Wayne Bethea in 1958 in 69 seconds of the first round! Bethea lost 16 teeth in that fight, 7 knocked completely out, 9 broken to stubs - by a Liston jab! The fights which best exemplify Liston’s use of his jab are his two short contests with Cleveland Williams.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My current set of cats were eating dry food when I adopted them

 My current set of cats were eating dry food when I adopted them. I switched them to a biologically appropriate and properly balanced raw food diet and within one week their fur started to shine and their stools stopped smelling. Imagine! No litter box smell. Of course, you still have to scoop out the litter regularly and make sure the box is cleaned, but the difference was remarkable. Eating wet food can simply mean that your cat is eating chicken, turkey, or rabbit that you obtain from a reputable source, whether it be your local butcher or a company that specializes in raw food diets for felines.