Thursday, August 5, 2021

As for how many times a day you should feed your cat, you can feed her as many times as you like

 As for how many times a day you should feed your cat, you can feed her as many times as you like. The bigger concern is how much you should be feeding her per day. I’m not good at measurements, so I’m just going to say 8 ounces as an example here. Let’s say that you decide that 8 ounces are the amount of food she should get each day, you can divide that up however you want. You could do like we do and split it into two feedings. Or, you could just give her a little at a time and split it into ten feedings. If she really wants food several times a day, I would probably just give her a little bit each time. Divide her daily amount into how many “servings” you want to give her. If she is asking for it five times a day, feed her five times, but just a portion of her daily amount. By doing this, she will not be overfed, yet she’ll get food when she wants it.

One method is if the dog is getting too excited, you stop, make the dog sit

 One method is if the dog is getting too excited, you stop, make the dog sit, or lay down for a few moments without further stimulation — no petting, no toys. (As long as it is a safe environment). Or just turn around and go straight home. Another is to burn off some energy before a walk if possible. Some light fetches/toss a ball inside the house or some other playful activity. If you have a yard, put the dog out for a half-hour prior to the walk. That worked wonders for me.

The AKC site says after 6 months

 The AKC site says after 6 months. If you choose to keep your dog intact you are deciding to take responsibility to know and control his whereabouts. Be forewarned he'll have an uncontrollable (for him) drive to wander off at times you can't understand bc he can smell when a bitch in heat is within striking distance. I've heard that an intact dog will often "spray" even with a bitch nearby. Our last boy, Drama, was left intact but we managed that fine (never an accident). Drama did feel compelled to hump at times (human: socially awkward giggles) and seemed to attract attention from female dogs (human: wow she usually doesn't care about other dogs) and aggressive male canines (human: sorry don't know what got into him he's usually friendly)…another thing to be watchful for.

Dogs are considered property

 Dogs are considered property. So whether you will be successful or not depends on the animal control folks in your area. You could also report it to your own veterinarian who might have better luck at getting results from the animal control folks. I have just reported an 11 year old who had her latest litter about two months ago. This overbred dog has been used as a breeding machine at least twice a year for likely 10 of those years. I rescued one that the vet guessed had been bred 12 to 18 times.

A lion or any other wild cat would view a domestic cat

A lion or any other wild cat would view a domestic cat as competition for food resources and drive the domestic cat out of the wild cat's territory. Violently if necessary. If the domestic cat refused to leave the territory of the wild cat the wild cat would kill the domestic cat. Have you seen how different species of predators interact with each other? It is even possible a wild cat would view a domestic cat as prey and kill then eat the domestic cat.

Once you put my meat in your mouth you’re gonna want to swallow shirt

 I know that now because during those years I would take handfuls, without exaggeration, ten to fifteen darvocet at a time, and He was gracious enough to allow me to wake up time after time after time after time. Only God could do that and I am thankful to Him for His goodness. So why would such a loving and gracious God allow a little girl to suffer abuse at the hands of an adopted mom who was supposed to love her. And why would He allow this little girl to be molested at age six by a boy who was between sixteen and eighteen who bought her candy, pretending to be like a big brother and then commiting an act close to rape in the Convent garage? I can't answer that. What I can attest to is, for as much suffering as I have undergone, I have received far more mercy and grace than I deserve. If you take time to read God's word He tells us that in this life we will suffer.

Personalxmas-Tequila I’ve been vaccinated with two shots and now waiting for my booster american flag shirt

 Even though I was chilled to the bone, God kept me from freezing to death. As a teen I took several overdoses to miraculously come out unscathed. Through depressions, risky behaviors of taking drugs, drinking and severe anorexia, God kept His hand on me sometimes barely emerging but emerging nonetheless. I met Jesus when I was 23. He made drastic changes in my life. I no longer drank or took drugs and I was even delivered from anorexia and bulimia. I emerged from a life of emotional and mental illness to become a leader of youth, a Sunday School teacher and a Worship Leader in my church. Now I wish that I could say my life has been perfect after my transformation at 23, but it hasn't. However, I can't blame any of it on God. I backslid for many years. What I wasn't realizing then, because I was so far gone, was that God never withdrew His hand from me. Instead He was probably carrying me many times when I thought I walked alone.

Baseball-Unicorn I don’t regret burning my bridges I regret that some people weren’t on those bridges when I burnt them shirt

 Anyways, that's the first vivid memory of me praying to God. I prayed that she wouldn't whip me when she got home. He answered because when she got home I didn't get whipped. I have never believed in coincidence but that day my faith in God was set in motion. Many times in my life as a small child and a teenager I can attribute God to sparing my life. There was the time at age 8 that I mixed poisons from our medicine cabinet together and drank it out of a hollow Jesus statue, nothing happened. And the many times as a youngster, preteen, I would steal pills from my grandmother's kitchen cabinet and down them a few at a time and by His grace nothing happened. At thirteen one of the times I ran away I spent the night in a dog shed with my runaway girlfriend. I had nothing but a thin blazer to keep me warm, it was two days before halloween and it was bitter cold.

Wechampstore-Just deadly I am cause I eats me spam shirt

 As a matter of fact I come from an extremely abusive background and because of that I became a chronic runaway starting at age nine. When I was maybe seven or eight my mom, adopted mom, was getting ready to go and visit some lady with my grandmother. To this day I don't know if she was a Prophet or a clairvoyant. All I know is that they used to pay her money, I gatherd that from my mom and grandmother's whispers. Knowing what I know now about God, if she was was a supposed Prophet, God was not pleased with her accepting money for prophecy. But putting that aside, the night mom and grandmother were going to see her, my mother couldn't find her pantyhose. Remember, I was seven or eight, but guess who got blamed for taking them. Couldn't be that she misplaced them. I would never have been able to fit them but she always called me obese, even when I was but a toothpick.

Teerocknroll-Tequila I’ve been vaccinated with two shots and now waiting for my booster american flag shirt

 That way they can choose to use it or not, but you’ll still know it’s there. Only use each name once. Please. Especially if you use it as a first name, rather than a middle name. Hi Keith, funny you should ask. I wrote this out a few days ago and was waiting till the Holy Spirit gave me the okay to post it. A Changed Life — My Proof that God is Real I was never a religious person. As a matter of fact I went to Catholic School from kindergarten to most of sixth grade, yet I never paid attention or could even understand the purpose of religion. However, deep down inside I knew there was a greater Being, One greater than my parents, One greater than the President, and yes, even one greater than the Nuns, the Priest, and all the religious leaders. I was an extremely mischievous child, always getting in trouble at school and really paying for it when I got home.