Monday, August 9, 2021

If it is not the medication and you are thoroughly cleaning everything,

 If it is not the medication and you are thoroughly cleaning everything, I’d suggest having your vet give her a complete exam. She might have an immunity issue or another health issue going on that you are both not aware of that is aiding in her constantly getting re-infected. Like many other things, nutrition and stress can affect her health, too. If she has poor nutrition (maybe due to the food she eats or due to a health issue that is preventing her from absorbing all the proper nutrients), that might be aiding in the problem. The same with stress. Have the vet give her a thorough exam to rule out any other issues.

After an intense cleaning in every room she goes in, throwing away anything she sits and lays on

 After an intense cleaning in every room she goes in, throwing away anything she sits and lays on (beds, cat trees, etc.), and having her checked by the vet to see if the medication is actually working on her and/or if she has any other health issues going on, I’m not sure what else to suggest. Maybe change her diet to something that is easier to digest or is designed to help with allergies? I don’t know if that would help or not. I do feel your pain and frustration. I hope you are able to narrow down why she keeps getting re-infected. I’m sure she’ll be glad when the problem is gone, too. Good luck!

It sounds like play aggression and as others stated, have toys around her to distract her when she does it

 It sounds like play aggression and as others stated, have toys around her to distract her when she does it, for instance, have a cat toy in your pocket and when she does it pull it out and throw it. My previous cat did this behavior not often but on occasion but I found out it was because I was moving around a lot. I had her since college and when I married and settled down she stopped plus she was older. She was also set off when someone was pacing back on forth and that sets a prey drive in them or can. But again I can only recall her doing this three or four times in her lifetime and it was when she was younger. But one instance was bad. My roommate got starched up pretty bad, no bites. If it continues you can talk to your vet about it, there is kitty Prozac. Some cats act bipolar-like, being very serious about this. And it does help with aggression. But I would ask yourself what might be the cause that sets her off. Are you playing with her enough? Have you ever played with your hands or feet with her? Have you moved recently? Or is there a new animal or pet in the house? Lastly, she may need another kitty friend to play with. Talk to cat behaviorists and they can guide you.

If your cat is not neutered, take it to the vet to get neutered and mention the inappropriate urination.

 If your cat is not neutered, take it to the vet to get neutered and mention the inappropriate urination. The cat could have a urinary tract infection or bladder stones. Please eliminate medical reasons. Cat urine can not be broken down by any home remedy cleaner. It becomes more crystallized as it dries and only a special enzyme cleaner will work. You must eliminate every spot your cat urinated on or the faintest scent will lead him back to re-mark the spot. There are special UV flashlights that are inexpensive and will make urine glow in the dark. Use one of these to find every single pee spot.. Good luck. Please don;’t be angry at your cat. He may be ill or feeling stress in your house or have an issue with being territorial insecure. Provide your cat with high places to jump up on so he can survey his kingdom. Play with your cat every day to dissipate nervous energy— want toys are great. Provide your cat with a scratching post as a safe outlet for territorial display. Scratching lets cats release scent from their paws.

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Now there are three masses to use. The first is the official one, which is a bullsh** weight. 10 tons for a The Mask of the Red Death 3D face mask 122 meter long, 30 meter tall dragon is kinda bullsh**. Then there’s a weight I guesstimated, which is 10k tons, which is reasonable. Then there’s the weight from the screenshot, which is 63,789 tons.

For c, I guess I’ll just use the specific heat capacity of water bc it’s the quickest thing I can find, and bc life forms are made of water.

For ΔT, there are two ends. Toothless’s blasts have been stated to be Oxyacetylene, which, according to the wiki for HTTYD, is 3,300℃. And another end which states his blasts are plasma, which is at least 6,000 K in temperature. This is 5,727℃.

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One I remember from watching brackeys channel on youtube is interpolation of your next destination, so knowing you were holding the left arrow for last sec, it expects you will keep holding it, and stops only when the key is registered unpressed on the server, so on your side, you might see yourself stop at some place, but on server, and with some aditional lag on  Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG shirt your enemy side, it feels like you moved one micrometer more or something. After this, it is then fixed on the server side once your movement stop is registered, and if the game is fairly good made, it is done smoothly. Thats why in some games you can see people running into wall and in some not.


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I am 99.99% certain that Trump will not run again. Aside from his advanced age, he has years of criminal investigations and possible prosecutions to Don’t desantis my country american flag shirt fight off. There's also another reason why he won't run again and that is he knows he's going to lose again. Right now, his cult followers totally believe that the election was stolen from him. So in their hollow heads, he didn't lose, he's the rightful 2nd term president waiting to be reinstated in August or September or whenever. So, if he runs in 2024, and for sure he'll lose, it's going to be hard to claim the election is stolen again. He'll lose face big time and that for thin-skinned Trump is intolerable.

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