Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Teerocknroll-We’ll Be Alright Retro Shirt

Yes, I have actually watched a video where one grabbed a fish that was to big and he couldn’t even get air born so he actually swam to the shore and dragged the fish out physically. You won't. At least not humanely. Please don't hurt the humble octopi- they are too important. If you want to catch one, use pots, or traps, just research how to do it right WITHOUT harming the animal. Even if you intend to eat it/kill it/whatever. Be humane. But you cannot expect to “hook” one on a rod. A pot will be your best bet.

Any unfresh fish smells bad. Supposedly one of the worse tasting, and possibly worst smelling fish, even when fresh, is the OilFish. It supposedly makes some people nauseous and gives oily stool after being eaten, and it is mostly recommended not to be eaten.

The gestating fetus is particularly susceptible to a variety of pathogens and food-borne illnesses, or treatments for illnesses associated with things like raw fish are contrainicated for pregnant women. It’s less about the woman than the baby.

Birthdayshirtsidea-Rory & Jess Supremacy T-Shirt

 The two ageing Empires woke up from their colonial heritage to take a lesson by the Americans: Building an Empire is not necessary by wars/occupation but by cultural invasion then followed by KFC, McDonalds, Pitzza Hut, Star Bucks, Exxon-Mobil, and Metro Goldwyn Mayer movies, those and the Likes should keep the US dollars flowing from the Old World to the Banks of the New World. Israel’s role in this century-long story is very short, a couple of months involved invasion/withdrawal with a negative image as an opportunist that searched for hunting any reword/gain in a conflict that doesn’t have any relevance to its basic needs but strengthen its consideration by the Egyptian masses as the main Enemy.

Well, first of all, we would need five pieces of independent information to uniquely specific a quadrilateral, and we have three. So we can’t actually know how the quadrilateral looks. But is this information enough to know its area? Surprisingly enough, yes! Let’s start with standard formula for area of triangle: A = ah/2, where a is one side of the triangle and h is the altitude dropped onto that side. We can use either diagonal as the known side, make triangles on both of its sides, and then add up their areas.

Customxmas-Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves Love like Jesus shirt

Buy here:  Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves Love like Jesus shirt 

My personal opinion is that many systems would be very effective if they are regularly trained live against fully resisting opponents. However. that is not the methodology and teaching method for many traditional East Asian systems. Also, the way you train is the way you react. Many sports versions of many combat arts are so watered down that while the original combat system might be valid and effective, if the students are spending the majority of their training time and effort on an unrealistic sport version, they are going to be far less effective.

My traditional base system is Taekwondo and I also competed on the state, national and international level in the full contact sport version of that when I was much younger. If you look at the combat system used by the ROK Special Forces for CQC, you have an effective combat system that still has the highest documented success rate on the battlefield of any martial arts system.

  Dear person behind me I hope you know Jesus loves Love like Jesus shirt See more:

Birthdayshirtsidea-Skateboarding is a crime not an Olympic sport shirt

Buy here:  Skateboarding is a crime not an Olympic sport shirt 

Apart from the 1983 world cup win, India performed badly and had a losing record against Pakistan/West-Indies/Australia in 1980s/1990s. Pakistan had won 8 out of the 10 ODI series against India between 1979–1999. This was a period when the Indian cricket team was dominated by the Brahmin lobby.

Only after influence of this Brahmin lobby had reduced, we had seen the emergence of aggressive match winners like Sehwag, Dhoni, Yuvraj Singh, Harbhajan and Kohli. These players are non-Brahmins.

Our team’s performance started to improve as a result of this and India started to win more tournaments and win more matches against tough opponents like Pakistan/Australia. India has won 3 ODI series against Pakistan and India has won more matches head-to-head against Pakistan over the last 20 years.

  Skateboarding is a crime not an Olympic sport shirt See more:  Birthdayshirtidea

Podxmas-Paris Geller Gilmore Girls Meme Tshirt

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (wearing black armband) signing declaration of war as others look on, following Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Thomas D. Mcavoy/The LIFE Picture Collection—Getty Images The big one and the one I get asked all the time and the one I’ve spent most of my career debunking is the notion that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor in advance and let it happen anyway, and is responsible for the death of nearly 2,500 American servicemen in cold blood. I label it the biggest myth of World War II. People are willing to entertain the craziest conspiracy theories.

There are no documents that come anywhere close to saying that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor in advance. that FDR maneuvered us into war by the back door. John Toland’s 1982 book described a “Seaman Z” who picked a message about the attack on Pearl Harbor and passed it out to his superiors and it was never worked on. In answer to all that, I say, putting together an intelligence picture is not as easy as it sounds. You have a million messages in the air, and 999,000 of them are noise. Myth: Erwin Rommel a.k.a. “the Desert Fox” was the greatest German general of all time circa 1941 portrait of German General (and later Field Marshall) Erwin Rommel. einrich Hoffmann/The LIFE Picture Collection—Getty Image

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

That depends on the size of the cat, his level of activity, and what you feed him

 That depends on the size of the cat, his level of activity, and what you feed him. If you free feed him dry food, which a lot of people do, they will nibble on it all day. Then, you can feed him half of one of those small cans of wet food, twice a day. That does not work with every cat. Mine, for example. He has a tendency to be overweight, and he will eat as long as there's food to be eaten, so no free feeding for him. He had structure crystals, so only special dry food, and very little of it.

He eats a mixture of mostly homemade turkey and vegetable food, with a small amount of canned food

 He eats a mixture of mostly homemade turkey and vegetable food, with a small amount of canned food, and a little amount of dry food. But he is a big cat, almost 20 pounds, and he is up to no good all day long. Whatever you feed your cat, just make sure the first ingredient listed is protein, not a protein bi-product. And no artificial colors added. There are some manufacturers who like to make these colorful kibbles, and that is not good or necessary.

How do I stop my cat from biting?

 How do I stop my cat from biting? I've had him for almost two years now. Caesar is the sweetest most loving cat. He really loves his cuddles, but then he changes. Right down to how he holds his body and he bites hard. I have scars. I don't think the solution lies in punishing the cat or using aversive methods like water spray bottles. Using physical punishment is usually not effective with cats. And I'd have qualms about trying to stop violence with violence as that likely will make the problem worse. Plus, I think the cat behavior you are describing is close to involuntary.

I may be misunderstanding what you've written

 I may be misunderstanding what you've written. But it sounds like you have picked up on changes that occur in Caesar's body posture and language just before he attacks. If that’s so, you are halfway to solving the problem. It sounds like your cat is becoming overstimulated from being caressed and petted. That does happen with some cats. Sometimes overstimulation is simply a matter of time. Two minutes of cuddling may be fine and Caesar is his usual sweet self. But 2 minutes and 15 seconds crosses the line. Every single time. And Caesar bites. Stopping the cuddling at 2 minutes = no more bites.

Wechampstore-It’s okay if the only thing you do today is breathe your life matters shirt

 You notice that claim about beating Washington in an election was completely ignored by the principal news outlets. Why? Because they don’t wanna give him oxygen for something that is not news. It’s just playground boasting.

Did you read the press release he issued, whining about not getting the British Open at his Scottish club next year? He depicts himself as a victim; a many times “club Champion” is how he describes himself. Yeah, really. People who actually play golf with him say that he never could break 90. He has his own rules and his score always adds up to 72 or 73. Even in an endeavor is simple, even primitive, as golf, he reveals himself in a matter of seconds to be a complete phony. That’s how we got to be club Champion. That’s how he would beat Washington in an election. If he can’t beat Joe Biden in an election, sensible people would agree he’s dead meat on a stick against George Washington.