Friday, August 6, 2021

If your cat is overweight, you are clearly feeding her too much.

 If your cat is overweight, you are clearly feeding her too much. I’m going to tell you a secret that many people don’t seem to know……just because a cat asks for food, that doesn’t mean you have to give it to them. I have a cat who begs to have his dish filled every time someone walks by it. It doesn’t matter how much food is in it. He still tries to make us give him more. He’s learned that when we say no, he’s not getting any more until it is time to fill it up. When we first brought him into the house, he would tear the place apart if his bowl was empty. The shelter had found him on the street, so I’m sure that finding/having food was always an issue for him. We used to keep the dish filled most of the day for our two cats, but one of them started gaining too much weight. Again, because he lived on the street, I think he ate whenever he could because that is what he had to do earlier in his life for survival. He wasn’t thrilled when we started cutting down on his food, but he’s gotten used to it now and does well. We feed them twice a day. Unless we're gone at that time, they get the dish filled around 9:30 in the morning and then, again, just before we go to bed. Some days, there is still food left in the bowl when it is time to fill it up. On occasion, they will beg for food in the middle of the day if the dish is empty. That is a rare thing, though. It usually happens when they’ve been extra energetic that day. When this happens, we might add a bit more to the dish during the day. As I said, though, it is rare. It only happens a handful of times a year.

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